Why use Fund20?


Know when you are going to get paid

Give yourself absolute cash flow certainty. Know when you will receive the cash for the work you have done, so you can make plans for you and your business without having to worry when a customer is going to pay.

Here are just a few ways this might help you:

  • Bridge any short-term expenses
  • Take advantage of seasonal business opportunities
  • Repay a loan
  • Pay your tax bill
  • Take a holiday
  • Or any other reason for where extra cash flow could help you today


Stop spending time chasing unpaid invoices

We know that your time is valuable. Free up time and ditch the stress of following up and chasing unpaid invoices.

Around half of freelancers spend more than half a day a month just chasing invoices. If you have a difficult customer this can be much, much more! Let Fund20's professional team take on this burden with their considerate approach.

Never worry about clients not paying

By selling your invoice to Fund20 you are fully insured against insolvency or non-payment. Once you have sold Fund20 your invoice for fully completed work, we will never attempt to recoup the money from you, even if your customer never pays.

No strings attached

Fund20 purchases your invoice once you and your customer have confirmed the work has been completed. You will then receive the value of your invoice upfront, less our standard fee. Unlike a loan that fee is fixed and there is no interest or futher amounts to pay even if your customer pays late or doesn't pay at all.

Use Fund20 as little or as much as you want - it's completely flexible

Fund20 does not charge a set-up fee or a subscription, it only charges you a standard fee per invoice you choose to sell to Fund20. This means you can choose to put one invoice through Fund20 a year or all your invoices, it is completely up to you and you will only pay for what you use.

The fee is made up of an administration fee of 2% per invoice, plus 3% per 30 days of invoicing. You can see how much you will pay for each invoice using the calculator at the bottom of the home page.
